How to Tag Your Highlights While You Read

Do you ever wish that your highlights were tagged with useful keywords and categories, but never bothered because the process of tagging is just too cumbersome? In this guide, we're going to learn an easier way to tag your highlights using a powerful feature found only in Readwise called inline…

How to Combine Highlights On-the-Fly with Readwise

Have you ever found yourself highlighting an entire fluff-filled paragraph even though all you really wanted were the key sentences at the beginning and end? In this guide, we're going to learn how to cut fluff from your highlights on-the-fly using the concatenate action tag in Readwise. The concatenate action…

How to Add Chapters to Your Highlights in Readwise

In this guide, we're going to learn how to add chapters to your notes and highlights in Readwise using the heading action tag. The heading action tag is a special note taken while you read that captures a book's structure — its parts, chapters, sections, and subsections, as the case may…

What Books are Highlighted the Most Densely?

One of the many advantages of ebooks over physical books is that they're much easier to highlight. No more scribbled underlines, illegible marginalia, or dog-eared pages — just a swipe of the finger. Of course, not all ebooks are worth highlighting the same. You'll only highlight something if it's so interesting…

How to Actually Use What You Read with Readwise: Part 2

This is Part 2 in a series of articles in which we learn how to use Readwise to develop a reading workflow. In the previous section, we learned that a reading workflow involves three steps. First, capturing the salient parts of what you read using highlights. Second, periodically reviewing those…

How to Actually Use What You Read with Readwise: Part 3

This is Part 3 in a series of articles in which we learn how to use Readwise to establish a reading workflow. In the first section, we learned that the basic components of a reading workflow are capture, review, and integrate. Most people struggle with the review component and this…